Ethiopia Mundayo Natural
Washing Station
The Mundayo washing station is located in the Oromia region in the western Arsi zone and serves around 750 smallholder farmers in the area. Farmers bring their cherries to them, where they are floated to remove any damaged or green cherries before being dried on raised beds for 21 days.
Ethiopian coffees are typically grown on very small plots by farmers who also make a living from other crops. Most farmers deliver their coffee cherries to a nearby washing station or central processing unit, where the coffee is sorted, weighed and paid for or given a receipt. The washing station then processes the coffee, usually washed or natural, and dries it on raised pallets.
Farmers do not have access to fertilizers so everything grown is organic.
Process Method
Natural coffees are usually delivered on the same day as harvest and are first sorted for ripeness and quality before the cherries are cleaned to remove any adhering soil.
They are then placed on elevated drying pallets, where they are constantly rotated during the drying process. Drying can take an average of 8 to 25 days, depending on the climate.
Southern Ethiopia is the original home of coffee where countless varieties grow wild in its humid, mountainous forests. All plants of the Coffea arabica species worldwide are descendants of the plants from southern Ethiopia.
Shakiso is a rarely mentioned town in Ethiopia. Areas like Yirgacheffe, Sidamo, Harrar etc. They are much better known, but not necessarily better when it comes to cup quality. Shakiso is several hours south of Yirgacheffe in the Guji area. Until recently the city was rarely recorded on maps. It is not easily accessible and there is not much there other than coffee forests and two large gold mines that have created tension and conflict in recent history.
The coffees from this area have an unmatched floral component that is very rarely found in other coffees. The best of them also have tremendously articulate fruit components, saturated sweetness and mouthfeel that coats the entire palate.
Coffee production is quite new in the area. Young trees planted in cool soil with excellent shade tend to excel in quality for a good amount of time. This is probably the case here along with the basic prerequisites of high altitude, native varieties and well-made mill. More than 5,000 hectares are planted in Shakiso, so although recent, coffee production is a critical component to the local economy.
12,50 € – 50 €
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