Ethiopia Acacia
The Project
One of our trusted importers runs “Core Coffee”, a project where different batches of beans from a particular
region are blended to best represent their signature flavour profile in the cup.
This particular coffee, from the Guji region and named after the Acacia, Ethiopia’s national tree, has a sweet and
fruity profile, embodying the classic flavours of one of the country’s most renowned coffee growing regions.
Here at Cafés el Magnífico we have received other coffees from the Core Coffee project, in particular Ceiba coffee
from Guatemala.
Local farmers selectively pick only the ripest cherries. Pickers rotate among the trees every eight to ten days,
selecting only cherries that are at their peak of maturity. The coffee is pulped and washed by hand in concrete
channels at community washing stations. After fermenting in water to loosen the mucilage, wooden paddles are
used to thoroughly wash the coffee, which is then placed on raised beds to dry in the sun.
When we enter the world of washed coffees in southern Ethiopia – the most famous names are Yirgacheffe and
Sidama – we are immersed in a special sensory world different from what most coffee drinkers are used to. Largely
grown from indigenous varietals of Arabica that are very rare almost anywhere else in the world, these coffees
feature intense and often extravagant aroma profiles: lemon, bergamot, flowers, cocoa, and brightly acidic fruit.
Located in southern Ethiopia, the Yirgacheffe region produces excellent coffee and is often referred to as “the
Champagne region of the coffee world.” It has the perfect growing conditions for excellent production: just the
right amount of rainfall and fertile soil that absorbs all the essential minerals. Locals rarely dare to use the main
road, especially during the rainy season, knowing that its muddy slopes will prevent them from leaving their misty
valley. It is as if beauty and danger are inseparable.
Yirgacheffe is both the name of a locality and the denomination of a quality of coffee. Endemic varieties are a wild
and mysterious mix of indigenous varieties of wildflowers, and each area or town has its own flavour profile, which
has evolved over many years based on growing conditions such as soil, elevation, and climate. These profiles form
the classification system for Ethiopian coffees, for example, Sidamo, Harrar, Limu, Djimmah, etc. It is widely argued
that a Yirgacheffe grade can deliver one of the most distinctive profiles in the world, with a powerful floral aroma
and intense citrus flavour. The Gedeo area is named after the Gedeo people, whose lands lie in this territory. It
extends south of Sidama as a narrow strip of land along the eastern slopes of the Ethiopian Highlands in the
Oromia region.
10,20 € – 40,80 €
Free shipping from €40 purchase