  • Nicaragua Las Delicias - El Magnífico
  • Nicaragua Las Delicias - El Magnífico
  • Nicaragua Las Delicias - El Magnífico
  • Nicaragua Las Delicias - El Magnífico

Nicaragua Las Delicias

The Farm

Don Isidro’s farm is known for producing excellent Caturra coffees and for its high altitude. The land that surrounds your farm is fertile and a cold microclimate is created around it, perfect for growing coffee.
In turn, it has many drying shelves to select imperfections by hand and prepare its grain for safe mountain transport. Their workers have been trained by Gold Mountain Coffee Growers staff to collect perfectly ripe beans, and the results shine on their own.
Don Isidro has also built a water collection system to prevent the water that falls from the coffee wash from affecting the water basins in the area.
Don Isidro’s farm is known for producing excellent Caturra coffees and for its high altitude. The land that surrounds your farm is fertile and a cold microclimate is created around it, perfect for growing coffee.
In turn, it has many drying shelves to select imperfections by hand and prepare its grain for safe mountain transport. Their workers have been trained by Gold Mountain Coffee Growers staff to collect perfectly ripe beans, and the results shine on their own.
Don Isidro has also built a water collection system to prevent the water that falls from the coffee wash from affecting the water basins in the area.

Javanica Variety

Erwin nos cuenta sobre esta variedad:

“Nuestras semillas de Java llegaron a nosotros por pura casualidad. La historia
cuenta que, a mediados de 2001, mi abuelo y mi padre volvían de una de nuestras
fincas cuando vieron a un hombre a un lado de la carretera vendiendo fruta. Se
pararon a comprar de sus cultivos y notaron que el hombre llevaba una bolsa con la
etiqueta “Java”. Afirmó que eran semillas de una variedad poco común que, según
él, se llamaba Java. Mi padre había oído hablar de esta variedad y de su gran sabor,
pero estaba escéptico. Mi abuelo se sintió mal por el hombre y decidió comprar las
semillas. Por suerte, el hombre no mentía. Se trataba de la variedad de grano
alargado: Java. Más tarde nos enteramos de que en la zona donde habían conocido
a este hombre misterioso se estaba llevando a cabo un proyecto de vivero dirigido
por una organización llamada UNICAFE. Su objetivo era traer variedades exóticas
y estudiar su productividad y su potencial de resistencia a las enfermedades.
Por desgracia, el proyecto quebró. Nuestra teoría es que el hombre debía de
trabajar en el vivero, o conocía a alguien que lo hacía, y probablemente consiguió
las semillas allí. Las sembramos por primera vez en nuestra finca El Limoncillo en
Nicaragua, lo que incluso obtuvo el 2o puesto en Taza de Excelencia Nicaragua
2007/2008. Dado su nuevo hogar en Nicaragua, la apodamos “Javanica”. Es
susceptible a todas las enfermedades principales, pero tiene buena resistencia a la
roya del café, tiene una buena producción de rendimiento para una variedad
exótica y la calidad de la taza es fabulosa en elevaciones altas (más recientemente
obteniendo el 4to Lugar en Taza de Excelencia Nicaragua 2017 con su Javanica

Process Method

The cherries are washed first with water and separated by density, after which they are pulped and the mucilage is removed by fermentation in water tanks. This process lasts from 24 to 36 hours depending on the weather conditions.
Once parchment, it is carefully dried in parabolic dryers due to wet conditions during the collection season.


While many Central American countries were discovered as specialty coffee producers during the 1980s, Nicaragua was still unknown in the industry at the time. Political and economic difficulties during this period, such as the turbulent dictatorships, the Sandinista revolutions, the civil war and the communist era, created a high degree of political instability and corruption that affected Nicaragua’s productive sector, including the coffee industry.
During the Sandinista government, strict economic control forced farmers to sell at very low prices, resulting in an inability to reinvest in their farms. This led the quality of coffee production to low levels. This came to an end with the Sandinista government during the 1990s, when free elections were held. Peace assumed political and economic control, and new incentives emerged for capital to flow into the coffee industry.
New programs have been created that have pushed coffee growers towards innovative production and processing techniques, raising the quality of their coffee and making Nicaragua an important player in the specialty coffee industry.
Most of the coffee in Nicaragua comes from three regions within the northern central mountains: Jinotega, Matagalpa and Nueva Segovia. Jinotega is the largest producer, followed by Matagalpa and Nueva Segovia, and all produce delicious coffees with their own characteristics.
Nicaragua adhered to the Cup of Excellence program in 2002, which helped the country’s international image as a producer of quality coffees. Our director Salvador Sans participated in that contest (also in 2012) and bought part of the winning lot.

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