El Salvador Los Pirineos - El Magnífico

El Salvador Los Pirineos

The Farm

Finca Los Pirineos has produced “Cup of Excellence” coffees no less than eight times, four of which were ranked among the top ten. It is one of the best-known farms in El Salvador because it was one of the first to focus coffee production on the specialty coffee market. Gilberto Baraona, who died in 2020, was one of the pioneers in the modernization of farms. Today his son Diego Baraona is the one who runs the farm and shares the same passion that his father had for coffee.

Cafés el Magnífico maintains a special relationship with this farm because Salvador Sans was a great friend of Gilberto and they coincided in the Cup of Excellence. In turn, Claudia Sans in 2023 was able to have the great opportunity to travel to El Salvador and visit Diego’s farm. The processes are meticulous, the varieties are very well cared for and the quality control process in tasting is excellent. As well as, Diego is one of the best hosts anyone could ask for, Claudia confirms.

In the Pyrenees there are around 20 varieties of coffee in production, including Rume Sudan, SL-28, Batian and Gesha, although Pacamara and Bourbon are the staple coffees representing approximately 80% of farm volume. Along with the 20 varieties in production on the farm, Los Pirineos also maintains its own coffee variety garden and nursery containing approximately 70 different varieties of coffees. This work with varieties was a passion for Diego’s father that he continues eagerly.

Process Method

After harvesting, the ripe cherries are pulped and the mucilage is left intact. White and yellow Honeys have the least amount of mucilage in the coffee at the time of drying, while black Honeys have the most. After the fruit is removed, a thin layer of coffee is placed on raised drying beds under the shade for a slower, more controlled drying process. The coffee is dried for approximately 25 days until it reaches the ideal humidity.


Located in the east of the country, the mountainous region of Tecapa – Chinameca (500 – 2.140 meters above sea level) covers 17.300 hectares where its nearly 3.000 producers can see the dew covering the coffee trees in the early hours of the morning. The most common varieties in the region are: Bourbon, Pacas and Pacamara.

The altitude and the annual precipitation create an ideal microclimate, its situation facing east and west, allows a longer solar exposure, which helps a better maturation of the fruit, and fertile soils with high content of organic and volcanic matter provide high content of phosphorus and potassium nutrients, which are necessary to obtain high quality coffees.

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