  • Etiopía Idido - El Magnífico
  • Etiopía Idido - El Magnífico

Etiopía Idido

Washing Station

The Idido washing station is named after the village where it is located, in the Yirgacheffe area. The station was established in 1998 and today more than 800 coffee farmers bring their cherries to be processed.

Process Method

This coffee is processed naturally. The cherries are harvested by hand and taken to the mill. The cherries are then placed on raised pallets to be dried in the sun.

When the cherry has been transformed into what we know as raisins, it is pulped and stored, leaving the bean with the parchment.


Literally translated as “Land of Many Springs,” Yirgacheffe has the ideal topography, elevation, and water sources to produce and process exceptional coffees. Yirgacheffe is one of the Woredas of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) of Ethiopia. Yirgacheffe is bordered to the south by Kochere, to the west by Oromia Zone, to the north by Wenago, to the east by Bule, and to the southeast by Gedeb. The Yirgacheffe woreda is located 409 km from Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, and has a population of nearly 200,000 people of which less than 10% live in cities.

Yirgacheffe coffee farmers are typically small-scale landowners who sometimes only own a few acres of land. Most coffees in Yirgacheffe are sold as cherries at centralized washing stations that help to further separate the flavor profiles. Many farmers also grow enset ventricosum, also known as false plantain, which is also used to make organic compost from its leaves.

It is considered by many to be the birthplace of coffee and the coffee trees grown in the region are a natural blend of. Washed coffee was introduced to Ethiopia in the 1970s and Yirgacheffe was the location of the first washed coffee mill.

The climate in Yirgacheffe is warm and temperate.

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