Team Work


I have had the great opportunity to travel to several coffee producing countries around the world such as Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Guatemala and Colombia.

A graduate in Literary Studies from the University of Barcelona, she has worked in Cafes El Magnifico since 2014. It is then she began to understand the workings of somewhere that has always been her home. Coffee, Coffee sacks and coffee roasting have been part of her life since she was a little girl, watching her father work and learning the workings of Cafés El Magnífico long before she joined the team.

Claudia leads Quality Control in Cafés El Magnifico – roasting samples, tasting and selecting seasonal coffees to add to the coffee menu. She also develops control protocols for the quality control team, updates the taste profiles of selected coffees and leads sensory training courses.Claudia is a curious person who appreciates the importance of continuous training that the business of speciality coffee demands today.

She attended the first Sensory Summit organized by the SCA in Europe, graduated in “CursQ Processing Generalist” from the Quality Coffee Institute and was a judge in the “Best of Cauca 2020,” testing the 40 best batches of coffee in the Colombian region. As well as her passion for coffee, which is a given, she has a great love for yoga. Physical activities, reading, culture and discovering new places are how she loves to spend her free time.

Gerard Viñas

I like to communicate my passion for coffee to everyone in an easy and practical way.

Gerard became interested in coffee when he worked for the first time one summer in his parents’ cafeteria, which for him began as a summer job to pay for his whims, ended up being a professional discovery.

The summer ended, but it awakened in him the need to teach himself the trade of barista. Combining Marketing studies with the cafeteria, little by little he became curious to learn more and that was when he completed a degree in restaurant management, concluding with an internship at Cafés el Magnífico.

“I trained professionally alongside a very professional, but at the same time very human, team, where they transmitted to me the passion for good treatment of the product and the people who consume it.”

Certified in several Barista Hustle courses, today Gerard is part of the quality control team at Cafés el Magnífico and is responsible for wholesale and its training. “I try to transmit all my knowledge in an easy and fun way to all people who want to learn how to enjoy a good cup of coffee.”

Oriol Coll

To grow as a professional in the world of coffee, it is essential to know all the processes better every day, from the origin to the cup.

Oriol is passionate about coffee, but before becoming one, he studied audiovisual production and graphic design, skills that he always tries to apply at work in one way or another. He worked as a waiter during his student years until a small, warm specialty coffee shop appeared in his town.

One sip of coffee was enough to tell that he wanted to learn more about specialty coffee. Shortly after he started working at this coffee shop, where he was a barista for 4 years. There he grew as a professional in the sector and trained as a barista; “Working at Kiwi Coffee was a great luck because every week we worked with a different national roaster, including Cafés el Magnífico, and it was a challenge to find recipes for each style of coffee roasting.” In 2021 he was runner-up in Catalonia of the Aeropress Championship.

The more he delved into the specialty coffee sector, the more he wanted to know and learn about coffee processes, so he decided to train as a roaster, focusing on what caught his attention the most.

To this day he is in charge of the roasting process of Magnífico’s coffees, creating sensory profiles and controlling each necessary step to get the best out of each coffee bean. In addition, we also have all of his coffee knowledge to carry out training and consultations that may arise for all those who take care of coffee as we do at Cafés el Magnífico.